Thursday, December 31, 2009

I Remember

In memory of Earl Stueve my best friend in grade school. I have so many memories of Earl and his love for insects and animals. He was a small but mighty person and he was my best friend during those years. Even though our lives have taken us different directions I will always remember those times and what his friendship meant to me. Rest in Peace, my good friend.

I Remember

I remember days when we

Were small and bounced on daddy’s knee

And then we went to school one day

And learned a different way to play.

I remember school friends when

We played and learned the meaning then

Of friendship, play and memories made

That last until this very day.

For friendship need not be a day

Or time when all we do or say

The feelings that we showed back then

When we were young and still best friends.

I will remember, always kept

Within my heart like when we met

On school ground swing set soaring high

Into that endless blue filled sky.

For you are now within that sky

No longer here, no longer nigh

But in my heart you’re memory so

Like when we played so long ago.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Honor Guard - 2009

Today I will serve on my first honor guard for VFW Post 12034 and this poem is not only to honor the veteran today but all of those who have gone on before. I am honored to serve.

Honor Guard

Today I’ll stand next to your grave
An honor to be told
I’ll never know the service gave
By you in days of old.

But today I’ll stand and honor you
I’ll never know the cost
You gave to us, you gave your due
The time to you was lost.

The time with family, kids and wife
While serving far to our great cause
The days and hours of your life
Today I’ll stop and give you pause.

To give you one more moment’s time
To honor you with humble heart
And raise salute and not opine
A Brother still and not to part.

Rest well my brother, service done
Your time with us is now time past
But know your service to us won
A service that to us will last.

Monday, December 7, 2009

For my granddaughter, Maddie, on her 11th birthday.

For My Maddie

As you grow from young girl now
And see the future to unfold
Be not afraid but know somehow
Your presence here is to be bold.

For you are here to serve a purpose
To guide, assist along life’s way
Deep to yourself and not the surface
Have truth in all you do and say.

For life is but a blessing rendered
When you live a life well met
Of family, home and hearth most tender
A life well lived with no regret.

So choose your friends and be most able
To serve your fellow man with care
And worry not for your own table
A life of love and care most fair.

So grow my child and feel the rapture
And live so happy here to dwell
Let life be warm and in it capture
Life’s essence for you still to tell.